It has been said that where America leads the world follows and the New York Daily Post has just published a story which suggests the demand for a second or even third language could be greater than even we at the VICI Language Academy have suggested!
With a headline screaming: “Speaking 2 or more languages becoming essential skill” the tabloid says, and quotes the head of a language school in New York saying that a second language means a 10 to 15% pay increase – and that is for workers within a call centre.
Ryan McMunn from BRIC Language Systems says “Eager young business professionals who did not come out of their high school or college truly conversational in a foreign language will undoubtedly find themselves at an incredible disadvantage.”
However, what are even more interesting are the comments from The Premier Group, which is tasked with finding bilingual workers for firms in New York. It says lately there is a demand for bilingual workers who can speak Spanish, French and German for many financial positions, both full time and part time. In some case it is seeking workers with three languages.
The nature of the global marketplace and a global workforce is driving the pressure to find bilingual workers in New York; however we are already feeling it here in the UK too.
Here at the VICI Language Academy we have seen an increased demand for second language skills among executives and managers within UK businesses and are also working with teams who need to have a common language. We have set up the sister company VICI Language Dynamics precisely to meet the recruitment and training demands of a multi-lingual workforce.
So whether you want to get ahead in your career or need to communicate better with your workforce then get in touch as VICI Language Dynamics can help you master a second or third language. (+44 1635 522410 or
Or perhaps you are a parent who recognises the edge being bilingual could give your child and you want them to start learning long before they enter the workplace? If that is you then the VICI Language Academy in the heart of Newbury town centre can help you.